10:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT THREE 24. ACT THREE FADE IN: 30 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) At warp. 31 INT. RUNABOUT O'Brien, exhausted, his eyes closed... takes a deep breath... the computer bleeps... O'BRIEN What's that, computer... COMPUTER VOICE Incoming hail from Starfleet Runabout Rio Grande. O'BRIEN Tell them no one's home. COMPUTER VOICE Please repeat request. O'BRIEN Refuse their hail. COMPUTER Confirmed. O'BRIEN How much longer to the Parada System now? COMPUTER VOICE At current speed, twenty-three minutes, forty seconds. O'BRIEN Can't sleep now. Gotta stay on top of things. He stands up, shakes his head... starts humming the tune from "The Wounded"... then breaks into song...