36:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT ONE 12. 11 CONTINUED: BASHIR Sorry. I know how you feel about doctors. O'BRIEN It's not doctors I have problems with... O'BRIEN & BASHIR (in unison) ... it's you, Julian. BASHIR Well, your sense of humor seems normal enough... O'BRIEN I don't have a sense of humor. BASHIR Cough. (O'Brien does) And how's your sex life? O'BRIEN I don't have a sense of humor. BASHIR Cough. (O'Brien does) Everything okay in that department? O'BRIEN That department is none of Starfleet's business. Or yours. BASHIR Mother and father in good health? O'BRIEN Come on, Julian, you knew my mother died two years ago. BASHIR (checking a PADD) Did I? O'BRIEN You don't remember me telling you when my Dad remarried last spring... me blathering on about this woman I've never met... ?