DEEP SPACE: "The Alternate" - REV. 10/28/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 64 INT. OPS Also dark... O'BRIEN Our plan seems to be working, Commander. It's following my trail of energy crumbs right toward you... 65 INT. PROMENADE SISKO On my signal, open the conduit and let him in... O'BRIEN Aye, sir... SISKO (to Mora) We can't be sure which vent he'll come through. Hopefully, it'll be the first one available to him... (pointing over security) ... over there... but if not, there are seventeen others he might choose. We're not stationing officers near any of them... we don't want to scare him away. MORA I understand. SISKO Just get him to the forcefield. We'll do the rest. Sisko nods to him, wishing him good luck... moves away with Kira... SISKO (continuing) Pass the word that phasers are to be set on maximum stun... the moment Doctor Mora appears to be in jeopardy, I'll open fire. Their orders are to follow my lead. If maximum stun doesn't bring him down immediately, we set phasers to kill.