11:[2,#b],131:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Alternate" - 10/27/93 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 58 INT. SECURITY OFFICE A few minutes later. Odo is seated, stunned by the news. Mora is more analytical, making the case that condemns Odo with scientific detachment. More and more throughout the scene, the pressure builds on Odo... the claustrophobia of the Security Office seems to close in on him... MORA The destruction in the Science Lab occurred at zero-three hundred hours, five minutes. Then the attack in the Infirmary occurred at nineteen- thirty-five. Roughly sixteen hours apart. Is your rejuvenation period still sixteen hours... ODO (acknowledges) I was in my pail during both attacks. Mora rises moves around the desk, sits on the desk, subtly taking a power position, just above Odo... MORA But were you... I don't think so. I think, Odo, that you have been in the rather ironic position of trying to track down... yourself. ODO (a beat, softly) How could this be? MORA Has anything like this happened before? ODO Of course not. MORA Are you certain? ODO Of course, I'm certain. There would have been incidents.