DEEP SPACE: "The Alternate" - REV. 11/01/93 - ACT THREE 34. 46 CONTINUED: Suddenly, as he pulls at the breach just a little, the sag opens and shockingly the lifeform, a pailfull this time, cascades over O'Brien, startling him... O'BRIEN (startled) Ahhh! He starts to swipe at the stuff... SISKO'S COM VOICE O'Brien report! Then quickly realizes it's harmless... O'BRIEN I'm okay... I'm fine... I found our missing lifeform... With his tricorder... O'BRIEN Except it's not a lifeform anymore. It's dead. In the Security Office, Sisko and Odo react... 47 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) SISKO (V.O.) Station log, Stardate 47391.7. Engineering crews have been working for over fifteen hours searching conduits throughout the core section. There have been no additional incidents and no further evidence of the alien lifeform has been found. Yellow alert has been canceled. 48 INT. INFIRMARY (VPB) Bashir and Dax are studying the inert sample of the lifeform on a monitor... BASHIR With this kind of cellular structure, the lifeform would have needed a higher concentration of carbon dioxide than our atmosphere provides...