DEEP SPACE: "The Alternate" - REV. 10/28/93 - ACT THREE 28. 33 CONTINUED: (2) DAX I had to sneak out to my quarters in a hospital gown that wouldn't close in the back... but I met a nice ensign on the way. What did this... SISKO The working theory is that the lifeform you brought back is somehow responsible... DAX I don't believe it. SISKO Good. Find me a better theory. Dax pauses to study the stele... nods to Sisko thoughtfully, then remembers. DAX Odo, Doctor Mora is awake and wants to see you. Odo reacts to this, then EXITS. 34 INT. SURGERY - DARK Doctor Mora is still lying in bed, better but weak. The monitoring devices are still hooked up. Odo is standing by the bed. A night nurse may be visible through the door in the Infirmary. MORA I heard them say something had happened in the lab. ODO The lifeform sample is gone. MORA Gone? ODO We're not sure why or how yet... Struggling to sit up... MORA I want to help...