113:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Alternate" - REV. 11/01/93 - ACT TWO 22. 23 CONTINUED: ODO (without emotion) Will he be all right? BASHIR The molecule appears to have quite an unstable structure. That might mean the effect is temporary. Odo nods, EXITS. Sisko follows him. 24 INT. PROMENADE - CONTINUOUS As Sisko and Odo walk together. SISKO I know how you feel, Constable. ODO Feel? About what? SISKO When my father got ill... I remember thinking how small and weak he looked lying there in the bed. He'd been so strong... independent... to me it always seemed there was nothing he couldn't do. In the end, I realized that there was nothing he could do. And nothing I could do to help him. ODO I appreciate your thoughts, Commander. But Doctor Mora is not my father. Odo moves off... and as Sisko watches him a beat... 25 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Sisko, his mind still on the scene with Odo, ENTERS to the sound of a Klingon tenor coming from the speakers... sees Jake sitting at the computer... trying desperately to follow the extensive Klingon dramatic text displayed on the screen... looks up doe-eyed at Sisko as he ENTERS... "Satisfied?" his eyes seem to say.