DEEP SPACE: "Cardassians" - REV. 08/17/93 - ACT TWO 22. 25 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Good idea. KEIKO What? O'BRIEN Three settings. I assume you sent Molly over to stay with the Fredericks. KEIKO She's asleep. She and Rugal played all afternoon. He wore her out... O'BRIEN You let them play together? KEIKO Why not? O'BRIEN The boy almost bit somebody's hand off... KEIKO I was with them all day. He's not like that... he's really very gentle... O'BRIEN (sotto) "Gentle" was bred out of these Cardassians a long time ago. She takes a beat, trying to hold it in, but can't. Stops what she's doing, turning her back to Rugal so he can't hear... KEIKO You know, that's a very ugly thing you just said. O'BRIEN I only said... KEIKO I don't need to hear it twice. She hands him a casserole dish from the replicator; he looks at it curiously, sees an interesting-looking stew (oddly shaped vegetables, green meat, white broth), reacts to the smell...