227:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 68 CONTINUED: (2) LI (Cont'd) One of them recognized him as Gul Zarale, responsible for the massacre of a half-dozen Bajoran villages. I tried to tell them what happened, but they had already convinced themselves that I killed Zarale during some kind of savage struggle. (a beat) Which is what they insisted on telling every Bajoran we met. And no matter how hard I denied it, the story continued to spread until it seemed all of Bajor had heard it. Soon every victory won by the resistance was attributed to my leadership. Stories of my courage, my brilliance, my daring grew more and more unbelievable... yet people insisted on believing them. My reputation even followed me into the labor camp... my presence alone seemed to inspire my fellow prisoners... and all I had done was shot an unarmed Cardassian in his underwear. I'll never forget that look on his face as he died. He was so... embarrassed. (a beat; ruefully) Commander, I did what Bajor needed me to do. I've allowed myself to be a slave to my reputation all these years. Isn't that enough? SISKO They still need you. LI But I'm not the man they think I am. SISKO (thoughtful) Perhaps not. (smiling) But Bajor doesn't need a man, it needs a symbol, and that's what you are. Sisko steps out from behind his desk and approaches Li.