156:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - ACT FOUR 50. 61 NEW ANGLE Without speaking, one of the figures grabs Quark's arms while another stuffs a gag in his mouth. 61A CLOSE ON THIRD ASSAILANT who is carrying a small metal device (it should look like the 24th century version of a cattle prod). He hits a button on the handle of the device. 61B CLOSE ON DEVICE as it glows ominously. 62 CLOSE ON QUARK eyes widening in fear, he struggles harder to fight free, but to no avail. 62A BACK TO THIRD ASSAILANT Though we can't really make out his features, we know he's smiling, as he advances on Quark. 63 WIDER ANGLE As a terrified Quark is forced onto the floor and out of frame. The third intruder bends over him, and thrusts the brand home. As we hear the SOUND OF SIZZLING FLESH and Quark's muffled howl of pain... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR