DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - ACT FOUR 46. 56 CONTINUED: (2) Jaro stands in front of Li, visibly moved to be part of this momentous occasion... until the shouts of the crowd remind him he's still a politician. JARO (to Li, re: the crowd) I hope you won't mind if I address the crowd. After all, you can't expect a politician to pass up an opportunity like this... LI Go right ahead... Jaro turns to the crowd. JARO Fellow Bajorans, I have only one thing to say to you today... To ask of you, really... Never forget this moment. Because I promise you that years from now your children and your grandchildren will want to know what it was like the day Li Nalas returned to Bajor. The crowd cheers. 57 ANGLE SISKO who looks over at Li, who seems gaunt and tired and surprisingly unhappy. 58 INT. GUEST QUARTERS Sisko and Li ENTER. Away from the crowd Li's spirit seems to rise. SISKO I hope you'll find these quarters satisfactory. LI Commander, I just spent ten years in a Cardassian labor camp. I'm just happy to have a moment's privacy.