DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - TEASER 5. 2 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK I can see it's going to take time, but eventually you'll learn to trust me. ODO That'll be the day. Odo LEAVES. Rom, who's been listening, rejoins Quark. QUARK (very pleased with himself) I don't think I can remember Odo looking quite so perplexed. ROM He's not alone. Those Subytt smugglers were a potential source of great profit. QUARK Must I quote you the seventy-sixth Rule of Acquisition? ROM (searching his brain) The seventy-sixth rule... QUARK "Every once in a while, declare peace." (to Rom) It confuses the hell out of your enemies. Rom nods agreement, though he's not sure he understands that particular rule. 3 NEW ANGLE to include a FEMALE BOSLIC FREIGHTER CAPTAIN seated alone at a table by the stairs. CAPTAIN Hey Quark, how are your lobes? QUARK Tingling at the sight of you. He sits down, distracted by her beauty. All thoughts of Holosuite delights driven from his mind. He notices her empty drink.