DEEP SPACE: "The Homecoming" - 07/02/93 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: Quark tries to step around him, but Odo blocks his path. ODO Hold on, I'm not finished with you. QUARK Really, Odo, sometimes I think there's no pleasing you. I help you crack a notorious smuggling ring, yet you still insist on treating me like an enemy. ODO You are my enemy. QUARK Then how do you explain my helping you? Odo's body tenses, that's exactly what's been bothering him. ODO That's just it, I can't explain it. QUARK It's simple, really. I figured we'd been at each others' throats long enough. It's time we called a truce. ODO A truce? You must be joking. QUARK Ask that Subytt First Officer if I'm joking. From now on, you and I are going to be friends. Odo stares suspiciously at Quark ODO You're up to something. QUARK Now why would you say that? ODO Because you're always up to something.