DEEP SPACE: "The Passenger" - 11/25/92 - ACT TWO 23. 24 CONTINUED: She holds up a small chip... as she puts it into a reader... DAX I found it with Vantika's personal belongings. On the monitor... a complex sub-atomic map... with a variety of equations noted... and a vast array of chemical and electrical patterns... and complete medical terms... SISKO What the hell is it? DAX A map. Of a humanoid brain. Off Sisko's reaction... 25 INT. QUARK'S SECOND FLOOR - NIGHT The bar is closed... Quark is on his hands and knees, examining the floor... his eyes catch a gleam and he crawls over and picks up a coin and puts it in his pocket, shakes his head... stands... 26 ANGLE LOOKING DOWN A PAIR OF FERENGI are downstairs straightening up... QUARK You call this clean? They look up and then at each other with fear... QUARK I've already found three coins on the floor up here... who knows what else there might be... somebody might have lost some valuable jewelry or something... fine, never mind, I'll do it myself... and I'll keep it myself. Leave... They scurry away... Quark turns and examines more of the floor...