DEEP SPACE: "The Passenger" REV. 12/03/92 - ACT TWO 18. 22 CONTINUED: KAJADA So that's where you're vulnerable. Dax stands, thoughtful, on the way to her station -- DAX But how would he gain access? KAJADA (a beat, thinking as Vantika) In the past, he's used a subspace shunt attached to a secondary system, something that runs through the entire facility but isn't covered by security. KIRA (suggestions) The lighting controls or maybe the replicators. Dax presses some panels... reacts, Kajada's right... she looks up... DAX I'm showing an unauthorized tap into the computer system at a temperature control panel... Level twenty-one. Section ten. ODO & PRIMMIN (in unison) Security to... They stop a beat to look at each other... ODO (stern, finishing) ... to L-twenty-one, S-ten. We're looking for a subspace crossover link to the computer system... SECURITY VOICE Acknowledged. KAJADA Tell them to be careful. Vantika undoubtably equipped the shunt with an auto-destruct system.