DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 53. 71 CONTINUED: SISKO Prepare to go to full impulse. 72 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT YANGTZEE KIANG (OPTICAL) dwarfed by the Klingon ship. 73 INT. RUNABOUT YANGTZEE KIANG (OPTICAL) Two transporter beams MATERIALIZE into Lursa and B'Etor. Lursa carries a slender metallic cylinder. Tahna reaches for his second shoulder bag -- hands it to B'Etor. She'll immediately examine its contents, during: TAHNA Thirteen kilograms of gold-press Latinum; as promised. LURSA This is yours. She tosses the metallic cylinder, with no respect for its contents, at Tahna who catches it deftly, smiles. B'Etor nods to Lursa -- everything looks okay. B'ETOR (to her own combadge) 'eH. HImaH! And Lursa and B'Etor -- now carrying the "knapsack" -- DEMATERIALIZE. Kira looks at the cylinder... she already knows what it is, but must play dumb. KIRA What is it? TAHNA Bajoran independence. 74 INT. RUNABOUT GANGES Sisko and O'Brien as before. O'BRIEN (off monitor) Bird of Prey is moving off... and cloaking.