126:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 47. 58 INT. FITTING ROOM Bashir listening... B'ETOR (continuing) The Cardassians can have him then. Bashir hears the (o.s.) shop front door open and close again. A long beat... before the fitting room curtain is opened from without by Garak, whom he now faces with: BASHIR What's Bilitrium? GARAK A rare crystalline element, that can be an incredibly powerful source of energy... Provided, of course, that one also has an anti-matter converter. Unfortunately, that's why Cardassians were chasing Tahna Los when he arrived here. He stole one. BASHIR But if he's got both... GARAK Quite right, Doctor. He will have the ingredients for a bomb. A bomb of significant destructive capability. Off Bashir's reaction, we FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR