DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 42. 50C CONTINUED: KIRA Busy? ODO What can I do for you? She moves around in the office, glances distractedly at things, making little adjustments to his monitors. KIRA Are all the security measures in place for the trip to the Ministers' Court... ? ODO I told you they'd be taken care of and they will. KIRA Fine. A beat. Odo studies her. She's about to leave... ODO You know, there's one thing about you humanoids I can't imitate very well... KIRA What's that? ODO Pretense. There's a special talent to it. It's as hard for me as creating one of your noses. She smiles lightly, sits. KIRA Maybe, that's why I've learned to respect your opinion, Constable. Never any... pretense. (he acknowledges) How much do you know about me, Odo?