44:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 41. 50B CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR At exactly twenty-fifty-five tonight. SISKO Why twenty-fifty-five? BASHIR I don't know... but it has something to do with the Bajoran terrorists on board. Sisko reacts... BASHIR He... he says that together, he and I might discover what they're really doing here. (Sisko reacts, muses, a beat) I don't understand why he wants me involved... SISKO Sometimes, communications can't be conducted through official channels. Maybe this is their way of telling us that we have a common enemy. BASHIR What do you want me to do? SISKO I think, Doctor, that you could definitely use a new suit. Off Bashir's reaction... 50C INT. SECURITY OFFICE Odo works at his desk... as Kira ENTERS.