38:[1,#b],44:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT THREE 30. 39 CONTINUED: SISKO (acknowledges, pleasantly conversational) Be sure to mention it the next time you chat with Admiral Rollman... KIRA (reacts) Sir... SISKO (cordial, but clear) Go over my head again and I'll have yours on a platter... He goes into his office, stay with her a beat... 40 INT. SISKO'S OFFICE (CONTINUOUS) Odo is there waiting for him as Sisko ENTERS... played as though Odo has previously asked Sisko to meet him. SISKO News about our Klingon sisters? ODO (nods) They seem to make friends easily. SISKO Friends... ? ODO Our reformed Kohn-Ma, for example... SISKO (reacts) Tahna... with Lursa and B'Etor? ODO (acknowledges) Talking about a business arrangement. He's paying them for something. I don't know what. The gold is supposedly on its way... 40A ANGLE Sisko reacts, glances out into Ops to Kira, who is sitting at her station... he wonders what this means?