DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT TWO 21. 20 CONTINUED: (3) KIRA I've been talking with several of the ministers in the provisional government about amnesty. (he reacts) For you and for any member of the Kohn-Ma who follows you. TAHNA There are some who might. If there were assurances... KIRA (hopeful, optimistic) I'm working on it, Tahna. I'll find a way to make it happen. On his reaction... 21 INT. PROMENADE - AIR LOCK AREA - ON N/D SECURITY GUARD He is on the seat of his pants; his back against a support beam -- just recovering consciousness. PULL BACK and WIDEN to discover the two Klingon women, LURSA and B'ETOR (the sisters of Duras), being held at bay just this side of the air lock by a BAJORAN DEPUTY who, though keeping them covered with his weapon, is obviously very intimidated by the two bombastic Klingon sisters. 22 INCLUDING ODO as he arrives on the scene. ODO (to Bajoran Deputy) What. BAJORAN DEPUTY Sir, these two... (beat) ...women... are just arriving. They...