DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT ONE 13. 12 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR I'm sorry, Commander. He needs rest now... Sisko nods at Tahna, and turns to leave... 12A INT. TAHNA'S QUARTERS (TIGHT) (OPTICAL) Kira's been speaking with a Starfleet ADMIRAL, whose face we can see on Kira's monitor... KIRA Admiral, I think Commander Sisko's being incredibly short-sighted. He obviously doesn't understand the issues involved... ADMIRAL Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Major. I'll stay in close touch with the situation... KIRA Thank you, Admiral. The image on the monitor disappears. Kira, looking somewhat self-satisfied. 12B INT. OPS Sisko enters... O'BRIEN Sir, the Cardassian warship has docked. Lieutenant Dax is making sure that all procedural details are precisely observed no matter how long it takes. SISKO (small smile) Well done... I have some more research to do on the Kohn-Ma before I see them...