59:[1,#b],115:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT ONE 10. 9B CONTINUED: SISKO I suggest you get your priorities straight, Major... because I have no room for divided loyalties in this command. And I won't have a Kohn-Ma terrorist using this station as a protective shield for continuing violence. Undaunted, she's right back in his face... KIRA My priorities are straight, Commander; let's not be confused here -- my loyalties are to Bajor. And Bajor needs men like Tahna Los. SISKO His war with the Cardassians apparently isn't over... KIRA If Bajor is ever going to rebuild a strong and independent society, it will require the repatriation of splinter groups like the Kohn-Ma... you have, we have, an opportunity here, Commander... I hope you don't miss it. She moves away from his toward the infirmary... a beat as he reacts - she always gives him something to think about. 10 INT. INFIRMARY Sisko ENTERS as Bashir does reparative procedures. Tahna, on the biobed, is just beginning to regain consciousness. Kira as already reached his bedside. KIRA How is he? BASHIR Second degree burns, lacerations, a minor concussion... Not much compared to what he's been through before.