DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - TEASER 5. 3A CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Confirmed, Sir. They've crossed into Bajoran space. SISKO Open a hailing frequency to the Cardassians... O'BRIEN Channel open... SISKO Cardassian vessel: you are violating Bajoran space. Break off your pursuit. Repeat: Break off now. O'BRIEN No reply from the Cardassians. The Bajoran vessel is hailing us... SISKO Open the channel... The viewscreen fills completely with static. No image is visible. TAHNA'S VOICE (filtered; thru STATIC) ... Space station... Do you read?... Space station... O'BRIEN We can only get audio, Commander. SISKO This is Benjamin Sisko, Starfleet Commander of this station. Who are you? Why are they pursuing? TAHNA'S VOICE (filtered; thru STATIC) ...Please!... Repeating request for emergency docking!... Please! His communications fail... the viewscreen returns to the Bajoran ship... SISKO The Bajoran scout ship is badly damaged. Structural integrity is failing.