188:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. And now, good day to you, Doctor... I'm so glad to have made such an interesting new friend today. As he watches Garak depart, HOLD on Bashir -- his face reflecting an enthusiasm which will carry over into: 3 INT. OPS Bashir ENTERS from the Turbolift at the same time SISKO is ENTERING from his (o.s.) office to oversee operations. (KIRA, DAX and O'BRIEN at stations; Supernumeraries as needed). BASHIR (trying to suppress excitement) You'll never believe who just sat down next to me at the replimat... O'Brien doesn't have time for this kid... continuing his work - to Kira -- O'BRIEN Major, upper pylon three will be shut down for maintenance for forty- eight hours... As she acknowledges... BASHIR The spy! That brings heads turning... BASHIR Garak... the Cardassian... SISKO We don't know for a fact that Garak's a spy, Doctor... BASHIR He's a spy... you should have heard him... introduced himself and struck up a conversation, just like that... he was making contact with me... with me of all people...