69:[1,#b],143:[1,#b],167:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/28/92 - ACT FIVE 50. 85 SISKO (OPTICAL) Sisko grabs the phaser from the holster of a Starfleet security man... and fires a shot in the air over their heads... Odo emerges from the security office, prepared to defend himself if necessary... FEMALE VOICE (O. C.. ) He's a murderer... MALE VOICE (O.S.) We want justice... SISKO Do you? Justice. Really? Is it justice you're after... or just some way to express your anger? And fear. Look at yourselves... in an hour, you'll regret what you've tried to do here. Do not condemn this man because he is different than you are... ZAYRA We condemn him because of the evidence... SISKO Then, take that evidence to a court of law. There will be no "justice" served here today. BASHIR (O.S.) Commander Sisko... I believe there's new evidence to consider... 86 ANGLE TO SEE BASHIR moving through the crowd... Dax in the background... BASHIR The man who was murdered was not Ibudan... The crowd, Sisko et al reacts... stunned... ODO What? BASHIR Come with me...