DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/25/92 - ACT FOUR 45. 69 CONTINUED: CROWD (VARIOUS, AD LIB) Killer... get out of here, shape-shifter... shifter... shifter... you're nothing but a freak... freak... shifter... we don't want you here... murderer... freak... shifter... 70 RESUME - O'BRIEN Watching with concern... hits his combadge... O'BRIEN O'Brien to Ops... security to the Promenade on the double... 71 INT. OPS Kira responding... Sisko coming out of his office... KIRA Acknowledged. She nods to two Starfleet security officers and they move toward the Turbolift... quickly trailed by Sisko... O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE O'Brien to Sisko... SISKO (hits his combadge) I'm here, Chief... what's going on... 72 INT. PROMENADE The crowd taunts continue... O'BRIEN We have a crowd... more like a mob outside Odo's office... you better get down here... SISKO'S COM VOICE I'm on my way...