53:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/18/92 - ACT FOUR 43. 67 CONTINUED: The walls are sparsely decorated with 24th century educational aides... some galactic maps, etc. KEIKO In a semi-circle... facing the module... that's right... And this activity continues as O'Brien enters, carrying Molly... and a gift-wrapped small box. O'BRIEN Here's Mommy... The toddler's eyes light up and she reaches out for Keiko... Keiko takes her in her arms and Molly puts her hands around her neck... MOLLY Mommy, where'd you go? KEIKO I'm getting ready for school tomorrow, honey... MOLLY Can I come to school? KEIKO I wish you could... at least I'd know one student would be coming... but you have to wait a year or two... O'BRIEN How's it going? KEIKO We'll be ready in time. In time for what, I'm not sure. Aside from Commander Sisko, I haven't had a firm commitment from any of the parents I've spoken to. (re: the box) What's this? O'BRIEN Oh, just something I replicated on the way over. She puts down Molly and begins to open the box...