69:[1,#b],137:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/22/92 - ACT THREE 37 ODO Is that all, Commander? Sisko stands... SISKO I want you to know... I don't personally believe that you were responsible for this... ODO (even) Really. Now how can that be true? Sisko reacts, what does that mean? Cold and direct -- ODO (continuing) You don't know me. You have no reason to believe that I wouldn't kill Ibudan if it suited my fancy. So don't tell me there isn't some doubt inside of you, some question about whether or not I murdered the man. SISKO I simply feel that putting Kira and Dax in charge of the investigation will be in everyone's best interests including your own... ODO I'll take care of my own best interests. And EXITS. On Sisko's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE