DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/28/92 - ACT THREE 34A. 57 CONTINUED: He moves to a work area where a microscopic analysis device is being set up by a NURSE... as Bashir installs the samples and turns on the equipment... ODO What would Ibudan be doing with a biological sample container... BASHIR That I'm not so sure about... but when I analyzed the fragments, I detected... traces of a complex organic structure... 58 ANGLE - INCLUDE THE MONITOR to see inert traces of the organic system... Bashir glances at them... ODO Translate, Doctor. Bashir continues to work on his experiment... using a 24th century device (tech) to treat the samples... or perhaps it can be done with manual computer entries... BASHIR It suggests Ibudan may have been conducting some sort of medical experiment on board his ship... ODO He wasn't a doctor or a scientist. BASHIR (shrugs) Let's see what a standard electrophoretic analysis tells us... He completes the procedure and turns to the monitor -- the inert proteins suddenly begin breaking down into DNA fragments... Bashir reacts... BASHIR What the... ? (off Odo's look) The complex proteins are breaking down into DNA fragments...