DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/28/92 - ACT TWO 25. 46 CONTINUED: KEIKO That's not exactly true, Jake. (to Sisko) There are twelve other children on board... ranging from eight to sixteen. The problem is there's no structured activity for them... (with compassion) Jake, don't you miss the schools you used to go to... ? JAKE (quick, defensive, and not true) No. (beat) I guess. Studying alone with the computer... it kinda gets boring sometimes. KEIKO I've never actually been a teacher, Commander... but it's something I've always thought about doing... Sisko looks at her with admiration... SISKO Mrs. O'Brien... as a Starfleet Commander and as a father, I think this is a terrific idea. What do you need? KEIKO Some space... SISKO We'll find it... KEIKO Computers.. SISKO You'll have them. Keiko is delighted... she rises to leave...