DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/22/92 - ACT TWO 22. 40 CONTINUED: KIRA All ships have been informed of the delays, Commander... Move to reveal Sisko standing with Zayra, the man we saw in the bar near Ibudan... SISKO Major, do you know Mister Zayra, who operates the Transit Aid center... ? He nods to her... KIRA We've met... SISKO He was just telling me something disturbing. I think you should hear it... ZAYRA It's just that... the murdered man, Ibudan... I spoke with him yesterday, about an hour before it happened. KIRA Where was this? ZAYRA In Quark's. By the dabo table. It was right after his scuffle with the shape-shifter... I can only tell you that Ibudan was scared... he told me he was afraid Odo might kill him. Kira reacts, exchanges an incredulous glance with Sisko... KIRA There isn't a more honorable man on this station than the constable... ZAYRA Maybe so... all I know is an hour later, Ibudan was dead... Off her reaction...