84:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/22/92 - ACT TWO 18. 30 CONTINUED: DAX (Cont'd) In fact, we consider it quite a nuisance. BASHIR A nuisance... ? DAX It is a weakness of the young... and although a Trill host may have these kinds of... (beat, distasteful) ... feelings occasionally, it is our wish to live on a higher plane... to try to rise above those sorts of temptations... BASHIR (picking up on something, with hope) Aha... (off her reaction) You said "try to rise above"... which suggests you don't always succeed... DAX (I haven't gotten anywhere with this, have I?) Julian... SISKO'S COM VOICE Sisko to Doctor Bashir... BASHIR (hits his combadge) Go ahead. SISKO'S COM VOICE We need medical assistance above the bar in Holosuite four. BASHIR Acknowledged, Commander. (exit line to Dax) I still have that champagne on ice. She shakes her head, suppresses a smile... moves on...