DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/22/92 - ACT ONE 10. 18 CONTINUED: SISKO (with humor) I don't want years on my life. Not if I can only eat steamed Azna... sauteed... rolloped... fricasseed -- fine. But not steamed... Beat... he smiles, looks at her... this is familiar territory for them... SISKO I've missed your steamed Azna. But somehow, as crazy a line as that is, it is too intimate, too male-female... he breaks eye contact... DAX You must miss Curzon too... SISKO He was... you were... are... a mentor... another father to me... Sisko shrugs, uncomfortable. DAX This happens a lot to Trills, Benjamin. Sometimes, our friendships with other species don't survive because of the changes... SISKO It won't be like that with us. It's just... a little uncomfortable right now...