DEEP SPACE: "A Man Alone" REV. FINAL 09/28/92 - ACT ONE 9. 17 CONTINUED: Pulling back to include Quark... QUARK Came in on a transport last night. Odo's eyes are cold as he stares at this new arrival... 18 NEW ANGLE - WITH SISKO AND DAX at a table... completing an order from a Ferengi waiter... DAX Just steamed Azna, please... The waiter acknowledges and moves away... Sisko smiles at Dax... SISKO Well some things are still the same... DAX (grins) If you'd listen to me, you'd be eating steamed Azna too... SISKO Dax, did I ever tell you about the meals my father used to cook for us when we were kids... DAX (smiles) All the time... SISKO (ignoring it, wanting to tell it again anyway) Every night at my house, my dad insisted that we have supper together as a family. He would try out his new recipes on us... he used to call us his "test tasters." DAX Steamed Azna will put years on your life.