DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/13/92 - ACT EIGHT 121. FADE IN: 270 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (DAY #7) Revealing the Enterprise arriving... SISKO (V.O.) Station log, Commander Benjamin Sisko, stardate xxxxx.x. The lifeforms who created the wormhole have agreed to allow safe passage for all ships traveling to the Gamma Quadrant. With the arrival of the Enterprise, the Cardassians have left the area... 271 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE there is no hostility from Sisko this time... Sisko has finished briefing him as we cut in... PICARD (dry) I suspect the sight of their warship being towed back by a Starfleet runabout took the heart out of their fight... SISKO We're not done with the Cardassians yet. Not with the strategic importance that wormhole brings... PICARD It seems you've put Bajor on the map, Commander. This will shortly become a leading center of commerce and scientific exploration... (beat, with purpose) And for Starfleet, one of our most important posts...