DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/31/92 - ACT EIGHT 118A. 261 CONTINUED: ODO'S COM VOICE Odo to Ops... KIRA Go ahead. 261A INT. PROMENADE Odo tending to the wounded... ODO (barking) I've got wounded people down here. Have you seen that doctor of yours anywhere? 261B INT. OPS BASHIR (reacts) I'm on my way... He EXITS onto a turbolift as the station is rocked with more explosions... O'BRIEN (on the move) I'm gonna have to shut down the primary power flow or the whole promenade will go up... (beat, to himself) Bloody Cardies... we just fixed the damned thing... He swings down into the hole and begins to work on a console... 261C EXT. DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) The Cardassians continue to pummel the station with phaser shots... 261D INT. PROMENADE (OPTICAL) The lights go out... Jake and others react with alarm... the shaking continues... moving to find Bashir arriving carrying a medical kit... he moves to Odo who is with a civilian Bajoran woman who is seriously hurt... her neck is bleeding... Bashir takes a quick tricorder reading, his eyes narrow with concern...