49:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/21/92 - ACT SEVEN 106. 234 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS and he's back on the Saratoga... his quarters in flames... his wife dead... his son unconscious... standing with the Tactical Officer... TACTICAL OFFICER ALIEN If all you say is true... why do you exist here? Sisko reacts, confused and... 234A THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) Heartbeat. Breathing. 235 INT. OPS - VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Three huge Cardassian warships approaching. 236 REVERSE ANGLE to see Kira at Master watching... with O'Brien, Dax, Odo and Bashir at various stations... KIRA Mister O'Brien, can you establish a high energy Thoron field before they get into sensor range... I don't want them to be able to scan our defense systems... O'BRIEN Aye, sir... DAX They're hailing us. KIRA On screen. 237 ANGLE - INCLUDE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The Cardassian Commander, GUL JASAD, appears, in his ready room. KIRA This is First Officer Kira Nerys. JASAD (arrogant) May I speak with the Starfleet Commander? KIRA He's not available.