152:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT SIX 96. 202 ANGLE (OPTICAL) An exact duplicate of the setting we were just in... a second set of Sisko and Jennifer are reclining on the ground... in each other's arms... playful children's voices are way in the background... this is a replay of the actual experience... Jennifer Alien and Sisko watch their doubles... SISKO #2 (enjoying the moment) Listen to it... JENNIFER To what? SISKO #2 The sound of children playing. What could be more beautiful... JENNIFER So you like children... ? SISKO #2 (beat) That almost sounds like a domestic inquiry... 203 ANGLE - TWO SHOT Losing Jennifer Alien and Sisko. JENNIFER I've heard Starfleet officers don't want families because they complicate their lives. SISKO #2 Starfleet officers don't often find mates who want to raise families on a starship... JENNIFER That almost sounds like a domestic inquiry... SISKO #2 (smiles, the question in his eyes) I think it was... Her answer to him is a deeply felt kiss...