DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - ACT SIX 95. 201 CONTINUED: He takes a moment to realize where he is, reacts... quickly detaches himself from her... sits across from her... a beat... SISKO Yes, that was her name. JENNIFER ALIEN She is part of your existence. SISKO She is part of my past. She's no longer alive. JENNIFER ALIEN But she is part of your existence. SISKO Yes, she was a most important part of my existence. But I lost her some time ago. JENNIFER ALIEN "Lost" - what is this? SISKO In a linear existence, we can't go back to the past to get something we left behind... so it's lost... JENNIFER ALIEN (come on, you've got to be kidding) It is inconceivable that any species could exist in such a manner... you are deceiving us... SISKO No, this is the truth... Standing, taking in the setting... SISKO This day... this park... it was almost... fifteen years ago. Far in the past. It was a very important day to me... a day that shaped every day that followed. That is the essence of a linear existence... each day affects the next... She studies him intently... we pan to follow her look as she sees --