DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT SIX 90. 191 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Dammit, I didn't ask for an opinion... just tell me whether or not we can get enough thrust with only a partial field established... COMPUTER VOICE Affirmative. O'BRIEN All right. Initiate transit mode, three-axis stabilization. Engage thrusters. 192 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Close on the thrusters firing... the huge structure rumbles... 193 ANGLE - LONG SHOT (OPTICAL) as the station breaks orbit, gaining velocity... 194 OMITTED 195 INT. OPS O'Brien moving along his console... checking readings... a klaxon rings... COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Field integrity declining. Instability at twenty-one percent.