DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT FIVE 77. KIRA Yellow alert... secure Ops. Beam it aboard Mister O'Brien, but put it in a level one security field... O'BRIEN Aye, sir... locking on... He presses some panels... 157 ANGLE ON THE TRANSPORTER PAD (OPTICAL) As the orb MATERIALIZES... and the orb disintegrates into spinning light and disappears revealing Dax. Off reactions. 158 WHITE SCREEN (OPTICAL) Discovering a state-of-the-art optical effect to be determined... that suggests Sisko in an altered state... no reality we've ever experienced... it may be just his eyes in some disengaged fashion... for this draft, it will be described as "WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES." A heartbeat and breathing the only sounds... suddenly -- 159 RUSH OF IMAGES (OPTICAL) Five separate shots, each less than a second: --Jennifer looking up at the beach... --Sisko's bloody burned hands... --A baseball landing in a catcher's mitt... --Locutus on a viewscreen... --Jennifer's lifeless hand on the Saratoga... 160 THE WHITE SCREEN - SISKO'S EYES (OPTICAL) As before. Heartbeat... breathing... SISKO Who are you? No response... only --