DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/14/92 - ACT FOUR 63. 108 CONTINUED: KIRA Their computer's crashing... shields and sensors are down... Odo's done it... Ops to Rio Grande... SISKO'S COM VOICE Go ahead. 109 INT. RUNABOUT Sisko and Dax in the cockpit, going through pre-flight routine... KIRA'S COM VOICE We're in business. SISKO Beginning launch sequence. 110 INT. OPS KIRA Maintain visual blackout. Set audio to secure channel three-five-zero. 111 OMITTED 112 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) is launched... 113 INT. OPS A signal flashes on the master control panel... KIRA Odo's reached the transport site... O'BRIEN Trying to lock on... A short delay...