DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/10/92 - ACT TWO 29. 44 CONTINUED: (2) ODO ... and a thief... SISKO (preparing to leave, overly "sincere") That poor kid is about to spend the best years of his life in a Bajoran prison. I'm a father myself. I know what your brother must be going through. The boy should be with his family... not in a cold jail cell... (beat) Think about it. He EXITS. Quark is stunned... turns and looks at an amused Odo... ODO You know, at first I didn't think I was gonna like him. On Quark's reaction... 45 INT. PROMENADE Kira lifting heavy fragments of a broken wall, putting them in a trash bin... usually far too mundane a job for an officer. Sisko arrives, reacts. SISKO Major... ? KIRA (shrugs) Everyone else is busy repairing the primary systems... She pauses to make a point. KIRA (challenging) I suppose Starfleet officers aren't used to getting their hands dirty... Sisko raises an eyebrow, moves to pick up a nearby fragment...