133:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Emissary" REV. FINAL 08/25/92 - TEASER 4. 8 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Damage to warp core. Containment failure in four minutes... The Tactical Officer is still trying to make something on his console work... SISKO Let's get the civilians to the escape pods, Lieutenant... The Tactical Officer acknowledges, follows Sisko out... 9 INT. CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) engulfed in fire... yelling and cries in the background... stabilizers are failing, and everything is leaning left just a little bit... we find a Turbolift door opening and Sisko and the Tactical Officer come out... react to the sight... they fight their way through the fire... find some injured civilians, trying to gather personal possessions in their arms to take with them... Sisko is alert, professional... SISKO Leave everything... Go to your assigned evacuation area now. COMPUTER VOICE Warning. Damage to warp core. Containment failure in three minutes... He reacts as they come to a wounded woman struggling to get down the hallway...