C-Worthy (R) Help Librarian Data File Version 2.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 - 1989. All Rights Reserved. Custom Design Systems, Inc. Orem, Utah USA. H_ABORT H_CHECKERBOARD H_EMS_END H_EMS_START H_EXIT H_EXT_END H_EXT_START H_HMA H_MAIN_MENU H_NOTICE H_PASSES H_RAM_LAYOUT H_RELOCATE_1MB H_TEST_LIST H_USER H_WALKING H_XMS_END H_XMS_START Abort Testing ============= was pressed during testing. Yes: aborts further testing. No : continues test in progress. Checkerboard Options ==================== Press the key to view list of options. You may select "0 Lead," "1 Lead," or "Both." 0 Lead: Writes 01010101b followed by 10101010b. 1 Lead: Writes 10101010b followed by 01010101b. Both: 0 Lead followed by 1 Lead.2 EMS End ======= Enter the last EMS page to be tested. The maximum value permitted is indicated to the right. Enter "0" in either the start or end field to skip EMS memory. NOTE: See the help screen for the EMS Start field for suggestions when encountering problems with EMS memory. EMS Start ========= Enter the first page of EMS memory to be tested. The minimum available pages is indicated to the right. Enter "0" in either the start or end field to skip EMS memory. NOTE: An EMS memory manager (ie. EMM386.SYS) must be resident in order to test EMS memory. Also, BECAUSE THE PAGES DO NOT APPEAR NECESSARILY APPEAR IN ORDER IN MEMORY, A PHYSICAL ADDRESS IS NOT GIVEN UPON AN ERROR! This prevents the RAM Locator from displaying the defective RAM module). An error in EMS could indicate a defective or improperly configured EMS memory manager, at which point you should... 1. Boot from a clean floppy (no AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS). 2. Run RAMalyzer! 3. Test the entire range of extended memory (EMS memory managers make extended memory appear as EMS memory). 4. If an error occurs, replace the defective RAM module and re-test. 5. If no error occurs, the problem is definitely the EMS memory manager. Perhaps it is mapping the EMS page frame over a BIOS (system, hard drive, video, etc.) If the EMM is intentionally mapping over a ROM, or if a ROM has been shadowed, problems can arise. Some BIOSes have built-in timing dependencies that assume that the BIOS code is executing from ROM (typically 3 wait states), and not RAM (typically 0 wait states).L Exit ==== Select "Yes" to leave Amnesia and return to the DOS prompt.q Extended End ============ Enter the last extended memory address to be tested. The address to the right in parenthese indicates the highest address that may be entered. Enter "0" in either the start or end field to skip extended memory. NOTE: The "Dec" and "Hex" buttons will automatically convert this address from one number base to the other. Extended Start ============== Enter the address at which RAMalyzer should begin testing your system's extended memory. The address to the right in parentheses indicates the lowest address that may be entered. Enter "0" in either the start or end field to skip extended memory. NOTE: The "Dec" and "Hex" buttons will automatically convert this address from one number base to the other.[ Indicate whether or not the High Memory Area should be tested. The HMA is 64KB in size, and immediately precedes extended memory. NOTE: If DOS has been loaded high (ie. DOS = HIGH), or if another utility has taken over the HMA area, this test cannot be performed. The HMA must be available in order to be tested.' Main Menu ========= ABOUT - About RAMalyzer! TEST - Allows customization and execution of tests. SYSTEM INFO - A plethora of information regarding your system's current memory configuration, CPU type, etc. RAM LOCATOR - RAMalyzer!'s RAM Locator allows you to configure the layout of RAM on your system. After a memory test finds a defective memory location, the RAM Locator will indicate on which chip the error lies. EXIT - This function, oddly enough, allows you to exit the unsurpassed environment of RAMalyzer!Z Notice ====== Read the Notice screen thoroughly before attempting to use RAMalyzer! Passes ====== Enter the number of complete test cycles that you would like to run. NOTE: Enter "0" for continuous execution.s RAM Layout ========== Size: All chips within a given bank are the same size, so you only have to enter the size once for each bank. Valid sizes are 64, 128, 256, 512, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32. Sizes 64 - 512 are Kbits, while 1 - 32 are Mbits. Example: RAM chip is labelled 27256 x 9 | | 256 Kbit (Enter '256') <-------- Width: The width of a chip is determined by how many bits it can store at a given size. Example: RAM chip is labelled 27256 x 4 | Width is 4 bits <------------- * It would take 2 of these chips to make 256KBytes. ** Some chips have extra bits for parity checking. A 27256 x 9 has 9 bits, 8 for data and 1 for parity. Qty: Enter the quantity of chips in this bank.W Relocate above 1 MB? ==================== Press the key while on this field, then use the left or right cursor keys to toggle between 'yes' and 'no.' 640 KB - 1 MB is usually reserved for adapter ROMS (ie. video, system BIOS, hard drive controller ROM) or the EMS page frame. Therefore, most CMOS setups allow you to break up the first 1 MB of memory by relocating the last 384 KB to 1 MB (1048576 32-bit linear address), thus leaving a void in the adapter ROM area (640 KB - 1 MB). This is the predominant setup for systems in use today. RAMalyzer! must know whether or not your CMOS is relocating above 1 MB as explained above. This is crucial to the RAM Locator. If you run the RAM Locator, but it says that you have not configured the RAM Layout correctly, you probably need to set 'relocate above 1 MB' to 'yes' at the RAM Layout screen. If you know that your CMOS setup has the relocate option disabled, choose 'no' from the RAM Layout screen. Check your CMOS setup to verify your system's current setting. Test List ========= Press the key to view the list of available tests. You may mark/unmark tests using the space bar. When you are satisfied with the list, press or . Random: RAMalyzer! will write and verify a random pattern for every byte tested. This is a good, general-purpose algorithm for 1st-time evaluation or burn-in. Because a memory location might partially function (one bit is stuck, etc.), this test might not catch this type of error. For example, if the first bit is stuck on, and RAMalyzer! uses the random pattern 01101101b, the memory location will appear to pass. If your system sometimes fails this test, you should test the same range again, using another test from the Test List. Walking 1's: Proceeds to walk a logical 1 through all eight bits of every byte. This is an excellent test, but takes longer to execute. Use this test when other tests occasionally report an error, but the same memory location does not fail consistently (read the "stuck bit" scenario in the description of the Random test). Walking 0's: Identical to Walking 1's, except a logical 0 is walked. Stuck 1's: Alternately turns all bits on (1's), then off (0's) in order to isolate bits that cannot maintain a bi-stable state. Stuck 0's: Identical to Stuck 1's, except all bits begin off (0's), followed by all bits on (1's). Checkerboard: Writes then verifies a "checkerboard" pattern to each byte. Under Options, you may configure this test to use "0 Lead," "1 Lead," or "Both." 0 Lead first writes the pattern 01010101b, followed by the pattern 10101010b. 1 Lead first writes 10101010b, then 01010101b. This test purposefully places logical opposites (1's and 0's) immediately next to each other. This exposes bits that are affected by neighboring bit values. User Defined: This test writes the first user-defined field (under Options), followed by the second user-defined field. Patterns are limited to one byte (dec, hex, or binary). If you desire to use a binary representation, enter the number using 0's and 1's. You MUST enter all eight bits: no more, no less! User Defined ============ RAMalyzer! will write the value in "User Defined 1" followed by the value in "User Defined 2." You may enter any number between 0 and 255 (00h - FFh). You may even enter a binary number. For binary numbers, use 1's and 0's only, and make sure that your number contains 8 bits exactly; no more, no less. NOTE: The "Dec" and "Hex" buttons will affect the value in this field. However, a binary number may be entered regardless of the current Dec/Hex setting.) Walking Direction ================= Press the key to select from a list of directions. You may choose to walk the bit "Left," "Right," or "Both." Left: Walks from bit 0 to bit 7. Right: Walks from bit 7 to bit 0. Both: Walks from bit 0, to bit 7, and back to bit 0.* XMS End ======= Enter the last KB of XMS memory to be tested. Enter "0" in either the start or end field to skip XMS memory. NOTE: An XMS memory manager (ie. HIMEM.SYS) must be resident in order to test XMS memory. Also, the "Dec" and "Hex" buttons DO NOT affect this number. XMS Start ========= Enter the number of the first KB of XMS memory to be tested. Enter "0" in either the start or end field to skip XMS memory. NOTE: An XMS memory manager (ie. HIMEM.SYS) must be resident in order to test XMS memory. Also, the "Dec" and "Hex" buttons DO NOT affect this number.