650 Line not visible in this view 651 only in %s%s 652 different 653 identical 654 same size 655 Cannot open temp file 656 Bad argument to compitem_getfilename 657 Select First File 658 Select Second File 659 Couldn't find %s 660 Cannot open %s 661 identical, 662 left-only, 663 right-only, 664 differing 665 -- %d files listed \n 666 Please enter the directory name 667 failed to copy %s 668 %4d files requested. Copying... 669 Copy Aborted 670 Copy Complete: %d files failed 671 Copy Complete: %d files copied 672 Exit 673 Couldn't find any files. 689 Windiff Usage 690 -L got two paths - needs at most one 691 Bad or missing SLM.INI or SD.INI file. 692 Page # of $ 693 Sent to printer. 694 Unable to print. 695 Windiff Error 696 No More Changes 697 No Previous Changes 698 Outline 699 Expand 700 File does not exist. 701 Failed to launch editor 702 Comparing... 703 WinDiff: scanning 704 Abort 705 Please wait for current operation to finish 706 Abort Pending 707 %d.%03d seconds 708 Tracing enabled to .\windiff.trc 709 Tracing disabled 710 Please create a diff list first 711 File and directory comparisons 712 Editor command (%p = file, %l = line#) 713 -- %s -- includes %s%s%s%s files \n 714 (both have identical times) 715 different in blanks only 716 Enter substring, or regular expression 717 Enter Pattern (substring, not wildcard) 718 Mark Files 719 Please enter password for %s 720 Copying %4d files 721 Both files unreadable 722 Left file unreadable 723 Right file unreadable 724 (unreadable) 725 %s (%s is more recent) 726 %s is read-only. Overwrite ? 727 Copy Files 728 No file selected. Nothing rescanned. 729 No file selected. Nothing to edit. 730 Error opening file 731 Save Composite File 732 Usage:\n\n windiff [options] path1 [path2]\n\n 733 Options:\n\n 734 -D Compare one directory only.\n 735 -F[flags] savefile Save composite file to 'savefile'. The 'flags' may consist of one or more of I (identical), L (left), R (right), F (moved leFt), G (moved riGht), S (Similar left), A (similiAr right), X (exit after saving list).\n 736 (e.g. -FLF saves list of Left or moved-leFt lines).\n 737 -I file Reads list of files to compare, from the specified input file. Each line can contain one or two filenames, space delimited (with quoting, if filenames contain spaces). 738 If a line contains only one filename, the file is compared to itself. 739 If a line contains only one filename and the -L flag has been used, then the file is compared to the corresponding file from the source control system. If the -L flag was not used, the file is compared to itself. 740 To disable the space-delimited parsing, use -I1 which interprets each line as a filename. 741 \n 742 -L Compare local files (right side) against the corresponding Source Depot base file, or the SLM master file (left side). Implies -D, use -T to override.\n 743 -L! Force Source Depot mode.\n 744 -LC client Specify the SD client.\n 745 -LD changenum Show diffs for all files in the specified change number.\n 746 -LP port Specify the SD server and port.\n 747 -LR Reverse comparison, so local files are on the left side.\n 748 -N name NET SEND notification to 'name' at end of comparison.\n 749 -O Outline view (no automatic expansion).\n 750 -P Perverse comparison: breaks lines on punctuation.\n 751 -S[flags] savefile Save list of files to 'savefile'. The 'flags' may consist of one or more of S (same), L (left), R (right), D (different), X (exit after saving list).\n 752 (e.g. -SLD saves list of Left or Different files).\n 753 -T Compare whole subtree.\n 754 -X[flags] Exclude files. The 'flags' may consist of one or more of L (left), R (right), S (same), D (different), O (readOnly), I (SLM libary files).\n 755 (e.g. -XRI excludes Right and SLM library files).\n 756 \nNotes:\n 757 Any filename (path1, path2, or in the -I input file) can have a SLM version (windiff foo.c@v-3 foo.c) or a SD revision (windiff foo.c#57 foo.c#58).\n 758 Any valid SD revision spec can be used: @label, @change, @yyyy/mm/dd[:hh:mm:ss], #revision, etc.\n 759 -L works with SLM versions or SD revisions: e.g. "windiff -l #head" compares local files against their SD head revisions (NOTE, "windiff -l" compares against master file for SLM, but against #have revision for SD). 800 Invalid Go To Line string. 801 There are no lines in the current view. 802 Not found: %s 803 Tab width (between 1 and 100): 804 The tab width must be between 1 and 100. 805 Bad or missing SD.INI file (it belongs in the SD client root). 806 Composite file is not available when left or right file is Unicode. 807 -LO expects no path arguments. 808 The -LO (diff opened files) and -LD (describe a submitted change) switches are mutually exclusive. 809 -LD expects no path arguments. 811 -I expects an input filename, and either no path arguments, or one or two path arguments containing {} which are replaced by text from the input file. 812 Unable to open input file. 813 Unable to show usage text, because unable to load riched20.dll.