100 SIDWkr 101 Account 102 Mapped To 103 Global Groups 104 Local Groups 105 Users 106 Security Account Mapping 107 Comma Seperated Files 108 Security Migration 109 SIDWalker 110 Delete in ACL 111 Ignore in ACL 131 An error occured while enumerating the trusted domains. You will not be able to see a list of trusted domains. Please try again after sometime. The error returned by the system is %1. 132 A memory allocation error occured. Please close some applications and try again. 133 No file was selected. Please select a file to complete the operation. 134 Could not enumerate groups in the domain 135 Could not enumerate users in the domain 136 Could not add this entry to the Mapping Profile. Will try and continue with the remaining principals. 138 No selection was made. 139 No domain was selected. Please select a domain or a file to complete the operation. 140 Will not be able to launch the Map To dialog. %1 141 The file specified is invalid. Please enter a file path that is valid and the file must be of type *.csv. 142 Could not perform this operation because of internal failure. 143 The members for the group %1 cannot be displayed. This is a well known group. 144 Could not enumerate members in the selected group. %1 160 SidWkr.dll 161 SIDWalker Security Manager. 162 This folder contains Global Groups 163 This folder contains Local Groups 164 This folder contains Users. 165 Account Mapping 168 Global Group 169 Local Group 170 User 171 File Path: 172 No file is associated with this folder 173 SIDWalker Security Manager. This is a tool that helps in the migration/merging of computers in an NT4.0 Resource domain to a Windows 2000 Account domain. It can also be used to help manage computer server resources moved between domains. 174 Microsoft Corporation 175 SecurityManager.SecurityManager.1 176 BUILTIN 177 Members in Group 178 Could not lookup the SID for principal %1. Will not be able to perform the "Map To" operation. 300 Could not enumerate local users on the PDC of selected domain. %1. 301 Could not enumerate local groups on PDC of selected domain. %1. 302 The entry is not of the format specified for a Mapping Profile File. 303 Could not create the file. Please specify a valid path. \n 304 Could not get the domain contoller DC for the selected domain. Please try after sometime. \n 305 Could not open the file. Please give a valid file name and path. \n 306 Could not write to the file. 307 Duplicate mapping entries were found. 308 The selected file is empty or does not even contain one entry in the format required for a Mapping Profile File. 400 &New Account Mapping... 401 &Open Account Mapping... 402 &Save 403 S&ave As 404 &Delete 405 &Ignore in ACL 406 &Delete in ACL 408 &Map To Account.... 409 &Show Members... 410 &Clear 411 Save Account Mapping 412 Save Account Mapping As... 413 Delete Account Mapping 414 Create a new Security Account Mapping from a file or domain 415 Open an existing Security Account Mapping from a Map File 416 Tag this principal in the mapping profile to IGNORE if used in an access control list 417 Tag this principal in the mapping profile to DELETE if used in an access control list 418 Locate a principal that will replace all instances of this account 419 List members of the group 420 Clear the previous mapping action. 421 The specific error message is not available as the returned error code could not be mapped. 422 An error was encountered in the Map file selected on line number %d. %s Do you wish to ignore the error and continue ? 1200 Could not create the property page. 1201 Load failed. Could not create the folders. 1202 Load failed. Could not read from the stream. 1203 Enumeration of scope pane failed. Could not insert the item. 1204 Could not add the menu items. 1205 Could not initialize from the selected domain. 1206 Could not initialize from the selected domain. An error occured while adding an enumerated entry. 1207 Could not initialize from the selected domain. An error occured while enumerating the groups. 1208 Could not initialize from the selected domain. An error occured while enumerating the users. 1209 Failed to create a new mapping account from the selected file due to errors found in the file. 1210 Delete failed. 1211 Enumeration of result pane failed. Could not insert the item. 1212 Enumeration of the result pane failed. Could not set the headers. 1213 Enumeration of the result pane failed. 1214 Select failed. Could not get the description. 1215 Enumeration of the result pane failed due to encountering an unknown type of item. 1224 There was an error communicating with the MMC console. Please try again after sometime. If the problem persists please contact your Sys Adm. 1241 Delete failed. Could not get the pointer to IResultData. 1242 Select failed. Could not get the pointer to IConsoleVerb. 1243 Select failed. Could not set the verb state. 1244 Select failed. Could not enable the properties. 1245 Select failed. Could not get the pointer to IResultData.