

Answer File = Unattend.txt and Winbom.ini; WinbomType = Factory

Windows Firewall maintains two sets of configurations known as profiles. The Domain profile is used when a computer is a member of a domain, while the Standard profile is used when a computer is not connected to a domain. The [WindowsFirewall.profile_name] section is a user-defined section that is referenced by the [WindowsFirewall] section to make changes to Windows Firewall's default configuration. You must include the [WindowsFirewall] and [WindowsFirewall.profile_name] sections in your answer file to configure the Windows Firewall in unattended Setup. You may specify a domain type of profile, a standard type, or a profile that applies to both domain and standard. You may also include one or more of the following user-defined sections in your answer file.

Entry Description
Type Specifies the type of profile to use for changing the default configuration of the Windows Firewall.
Mode Specifies whether to enable or disable Windows Firewall.
Exceptions Specifies whether to enable or disable the Windows Firewall Exceptions list. Windows Firewall blocks all unsolicited, incoming traffic, except traffic that matches entries in the exceptions list.
Notifications Specifies whether to enable or disable notifications.
MulticastBroadcastResponse Specifies whether to enable or disable multicast and broadcast packets.
AllowedPrograms Specifies a list of programs that will not be blocked by the Windows Firewall.
Services Specifies a list of services that will not be blocked by the Windows Firewall, such as file and print services, remote administration services, and remote desktop services.
PortOpenings Specifies a list of open ports that will not be blocked by Windows Firewall.
IcmpSettings Specifies a list of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) message types that will not be blocked by Windows Firewall.


This sample demonstrates one use of the [WindowsFirewall.profile_name] section of Unattend.txt.

Type = 1
Mode = 1
Exceptions = 1
Notifications = 1
MulticastBroadcastResponse = 1
AllowedPrograms = WindowsFirewall.RemoteAssistance
Services = WindowsFirewall.RemoteDesktop
PortOpenings = WindowsFirewall.WebServer
IcmpSettings = WindowsFirewall.EchoRequest


Specifies the type of profile to use for changing the default configuration of the Windows Firewall.

Syntax Type = 0 | 1 | 3
Values 0

Specifies a domain type of profile.


Specifies a standard type of profile.


Specifies both domain and standard profiles.

Default 3
Type = 3
Comments This is an optional entry. If you do not specify a value for the Type entry, the default value is applied.

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Specifies whether to enable or disable Windows Firewall.

Syntax Mode = 0 | 1
Values 1

Enables Windows Firewall.


Disables Windows Firewall.

Default 1
Mode = 1
Comments This is a required entry.

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Specifies whether to enable or disable the Windows Firewall Exceptions list. Windows Firewall blocks all unsolicited, incoming traffic, except traffic that matches entries in the exceptions list.

Syntax Exceptions = 0 | 1
Values 1

Enables Windows Firewall Exceptions list.


Disables Windows Firewall Exceptions list.

Default 1
Exceptions = 1
Comments You can configure Windows Firewall to be enabled with no exceptions, enabled with exceptions, or disabled.

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Specifies whether to enable or disable notifications.

Syntax Notifications = 0 | 1
Values 1

Enables notifications.


Disables notifications.

Default Value 1
Notifications = 1
Comments This is an optional entry.

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Specifies whether to enable or disable multicast and broadcast packets.

Syntax MulticastBroadcastResponse = 0 | 1
Values 1

Enables MulticastBroadcastResponse.


Disbales MulticastBroadcastResponse.

Default Value 1
MulticastBroadcastResponse = 1
Comments This is an optional entry.

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Specifies a list of programs that will not be blocked by the Windows Firewall.

Syntax AllowedPrograms = WindowsFirewall.program_name
Value WindowsFirewall.program_name
AllowedPrograms = WindowsFirewall.RemoteAssistance
Comments You may include multiple user-defined WindowsFirewall.program_name entries. Each WindowsFirewall.program_name entry references a [WindowsFirewall.program_name] section that defines the path and program name. Each WindowsFirewall.program_name entry must have a unique name, for example, WindowsFirewall.RemoteAssistance.

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Specifies a list of services that will not be blocked by the Windows Firewall, such as file and print services, remote administration services, and remote desktop services.

Syntax Services = WindowsFirewall.service_name
Value WindowsFirewall.service_name
Services = WindowsFirewall.PrintService
Comments You may include multiple user-defined services. Each service entry references a [WindowsFirewall.service_name] section that defines the type of service, mode, and address. Each service entry must have a unique name.

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Specifies a list of open ports that will not be blocked by Windows Firewall.

Syntax PortOpenings = WindowsFirewall.portopening_name
Value WindowsFirewall.portopening_name
PortOpenings = WindowsFirewall.WebServer
Comments You may include multiple user-defined port openings. Each entry references a [WindowsFirewall.portopening_name] section that defines the port. Each entry must have a unique name.

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Specifies a list of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) message types that will not be blocked by Windows Firewall.

Syntax IcmpSettings = WindowsFirewall.icmpsetting_name
Value WindowsFirewall.icmpsetting_name
IcmpSettings = WindowsFirewall.EchoRequest
Comments You may include multiple user-defined ICMP settings. Each entry references a [WindowsFirewall.icmpsetting_name] section that specifies the name and type of ICMP setting. Each entry must have a unique name.

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