

Answer File = Unattend.txt and Winbom.ini

The [Shell] section contains entries for specifying the visual style of the user interface.

Entry Description
CustomDefaultThemeFile Specifies the complete path to a .theme file.
DefaultStartPanelOff Specifies whether to use the classic Microsoft® Windows® Start menu instead of the Windows XP Start menu, and displays icons for My Computer and My Documents on the Windows desktop.
DefaultThemesOff Specifies whether to use the classic Windows visual style instead of the default Windows XP visual style.


This sample demonstrates one use of the [Shell] section of Unattend.txt.

CustomDefaultThemeFile = "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Themes\MyTheme.theme"
DefaultStartPanelOff = Yes
DefaultThemesOff = Yes


Specifies the complete path to a .theme file.

Syntax CustomDefaultThemeFile = path_and_file_name
Value path_and_file_name
Default Value none
CustomDefaultThemeFile = "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Themes\MyTheme.theme"

Enclose path_and_file_name in quotation marks if it is a long file name. If path_and_file_name contains the environment variable %WINDIR%, you must follow %WINDIR% with a backward slash character.

If the value of DefaultThemesOff is Yes, Windows XP uses the classic Windows visual style.

These file names have a .theme extension. When you preinstall Windows using Winnt32.exe, you can use long file names for files included in a configuration set or distribution share. However, if you use Winnt.exe to preinstall the operating system, all files and folders in the $OEM$ directory structure must be in 8.3 format for Setup to copy the files. In addition, you must always use 8.3 file names when copying a set of files from one computer to another with MS-DOS. Use the $$Rename.txt file to restore these 8.3 names to long file names during Windows Setup.

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Specifies whether to use the classic Windows Start menu instead of the Windows XP Start menu, and displays icons for My Computer and My Documents on the Windows desktop.

Syntax DefaultStartPanelOff = Yes | No
Values Yes

Uses the classic Windows Start menu and displays icons for My Computer and My Documents on the desktop.


Uses the default Windows XP start menu.

Default Value No
DefaultStartPanelOff = Yes

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Specifies whether to use the classic Windows visual style instead of the default Windows XP visual style.

Syntax DefaultThemesOff = Yes | No
Values Yes

Uses the classic Windows visual style.


Uses the default Windows XP visual style.

Default Value No
DefaultThemesOff = Yes

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